The fourth installment of Activision’s popular Skylanders Trap Team comes out October 5 2014 in North America with new innovative ways for kids to play. Not only can kids bring the toys to life inside the video game, they can also be pulled out of the video game. Using the Traptanium Portal (required to play the game), Portal Masters seek out and defeat the most wanted villains in Skyland, pulling them out of the game, by capturing them in magical Traps. Once they’ve defeated the villains, kids can place a Trap into the Traptanium Portal to capture them and then place them back into the game to play on their side. They will also be able to hear the villains inside the Traps.


TARGET USER: Current Skylanders players and children interested in combining video games and toys

-Starter set includes Traptanium Portal, 2 Trap Team Character, and 2 Traps
-Traptanium Portal has a slot for inserting Traps which look like crystal keys
-Traptanium Portal connects via USB to the game console
-New Skylanders heroes known as Trap Masters introduced
-Game features a variety of elementally aligned Traps

-Pre-order now with special offers available at select retail destinations worldwide
-Available Oct. 5 North America, Oct. 2 Australia/New Zealand, Oct. 10 Europe
-Plays on XBox 360, XBox one, PlayStation 3 and Playstation 4, Wii, and Wii u.
-Suggested retail price for Skylanders Trap Team Starter Pack $74.95
-For more information: