Looking for a unique gift or have you been wanting to try virtual reality but hesitated because of the thought of having to buy expensive equipment? Merge VR Goggles are now available for pre-order at the affordable price of $79! You simply drop your smartphone into the Merge VR Goggles and view the hundreds of virtual reality apps and experiences already available for download in the App Store and Google Play(Coming soon: Merge Start where you will be able to find the latest in high-quality, curated VR content). You can play VR games, watch concerts, 360 videos and more! The Merge VR Goggles are compatible with most iOS and Android devices made in the last two years and fit iPhone 5 to iPhone 6Plus in size. These comfortable goggles are made of soft, flexible foam and feature a dual input system, allowing you to perform two different actions at once, such as run and jump or move backward and forward.


TARGET USERS: Unique holiday gift for the techie in your family; great for anyone interested in trying virtual reality experiences

-Soft, lightweight, flexible foam goggles that turn your smartphone into an immersive virtual reality headset
-Compatible with most Android and iOS devices made in the past two years (recommended devices iPhone 6 and newer, Galaxy S5 and newer, HTC One M8 and newer, LG G4 and newer
-Work with any existing VR app on Google Play and on the App Store
-Fully adjustable lenses

-Available for pre-order price of $79
-Pre-order now at amazon.com
-Release date November 15,2015
-For more information: MergeVR.com