LG will be debuting their new, updated LG TONE INFINIM headset (model HBS-910), at CES in Las Vegas, which starts January 6. The new LG TONE INFINIM (MODEL HBS-910) is slimmer, lighter, and has advanced Quad-Layer Speaker technology to deliver a top-notch audio experience with better balance across all sound ranges and a richer, clearer bass. It also boasts two noise-cancelling microphones for better call quality. The new model keeps the great Harman Kardon Signature Sound, that made the original LG TONE INFINIM so popular, and retains its earbud design, which has them attached to a retractable cable. Also updated: LG’s TONE & TALK app, which now has two new features- Voice Memo and Find Me- that allow LG TONE INFINIM customers to record their own voice notes and help locate missing smartphones.


TARGET USERS: Great headset for use in noisy environments and for consumers who love premium audio quality in their headsets

-More information to be released after debut
-Around-the-neck headset in slimmer, lighter, contemporary design
-Harman Kardon Signature Sound
-Advanced Quad-Layer Speaker technology
-Dual noise-cancelling microphones
-Earbuds attached to retractable cable
-Free TONE & TALK Android app
-Available in black, white or pink

-Suggested retail price not announced yet
-Will be available in the U.S. February 2016
-For more information: lg.com