Spring cleaning should include your digital life too! That’s why you need CCleaner for Mac, Android and PC! It simplifies and consolidates device maintenance by removing unwanted files, updating software, managing startup items and more. CCleaner for PC just released a new feature – Health Check— with just a few clicks – clean, update and remove unnecessary system and browsing files, disable system slowing startup items, and patch security holes. CCleaner lets you take control of what’s in your device by freeing up space, so it’s more secure and runs faster. Get CCleaner now and try it for free!
-CCleaner Professional for Mac: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner-mac
-1 year, 1 home for Mac: $19.95
-CCleaner Professional for Windows: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner
-1 year, 1 Home for PC: $19.95